200 Photos at The Gardens at Ball

Ramblin' Burgundy Chrome Petunia, in bloom
Firehouse Purple Fizz Verbena, in bloom
 Chameleon Blueberry Scone, in bloom
 Colibri Cherry Lace Calibrachoa, in bloom
Ragtime Petunia, in bloom
Archangel Dark Rose Summer Snapdragon, in bloom
Superbells blue Moon Punch Calibrachoa, in bloom
MiniFamous Neo Apricot Strike Calibrachoa, in bloom
Flowers of Moonlight Pink+Eye Zonal Geranium
MiniFamous Neo Double Lemon Calibrachoa, in bloom
ColorRush Pink Petunia, in bloom
Starlet Velvet Petunia, in bloom
Headliner White Rose Vein Petunia, in bloom
Superbells Dreamsicle Calibrachoa, in bloom
Tidal Wave Red Velour Petunia, in bloom
  Lascar Salmon Verbena, in bloom
Archangel Dark Purple Summer Snapdragon, in bloom
MiniFamous Neo Double Silver Blue Calibrachoa, in bloom
Wave Purple Classic Petunia, in bloom
City Lights Purple Dahlia, in bloom
Archangel Blue Bicolor Summer Snapdragon, in bloom
Bloomtastic Serenity Calibrachoa, in bloom
Autumn Colors Rudbeckia, in bloom
 Early Pink Eye Phlox, in bloom
Taishan Orange African Marigold, in bloom
 Colorblitz Yellow Petunia, in bloom
Wave Purple Classic Petunia, in bloom
Chameleon Lemon Berry, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno Double Close Up Calibrachoa, MiniFamous Uno Double Red Calibrachoa, MiniFamous Uno Double Chiffon Calibrachoa, MiniFamous Uno Double Rose Chai Calibrachoa
Colorblitz Sky Blue Petunia, in bloom
Gardenetta Passion Fruit Dahlia, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno Yellow+Red Vein Calibrachoa, in bloom
Lindura Yellow Calibrachoa, in bloom
Kabloom Pink Calibrachoa, in bloom
Little Lucky Orange Lantana, in bloom
Callie Eclipse Lavender Calibrachoa, in bloom
Lucky Flame Lantana, in bloom
 Tidal Wave Silver Petunia, in bloom
Conga Sunset Kiss Calibrachoa, in bloom
Aloha Sky Purple Calibrachoa, in bloom
 ColorRush Pink Vein Petunia, in bloom
Landmark Citrus Lantana, in bloom
Main Stage Pink Vein Petunia, in bloom
Endurascape Pink Bi-Color Verbena, in bloom
MiniFamous Neo Pink Strike Calibrachoa, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno Yellow Calibrachoa, in bloom
Cabrio Yellow Calibrachoa, in bloom
Angelmist Spreading Bluebird Summer Snapdragon, in bloom
Pinstripe Petunia, in bloom
  Landmark Gold Lantana, in bloom
Noa Mega Pink Calibrachoa, in bloom
Candy Shop Sweet Dreams Calibrachoa, in bloom
Aloha Nani Midnight Blue Calibrachoa, in bloom
Endurascape Pink Fizz Verbena, in bloom
Bloomtastic Rose Quartz Calibrachoa, in bloom
Noa Papaya Calibrachoa, in bloom
Mediterranean Strawberry Vinca, in bloom
Firehouse Burgundy Verbena, in bloom
Conga Pink Calibrachoa, in bloom
Million Bells Yellow Neon Calibrachoa, in bloom
Superbells Yellow Improved Petunia, in bloom
Superbells Holy Cow! Calibrachoa, in bloom
Rhythm And Blues Petunia, in bloom
EnduraScape Blue Verbena, in bloom
 Superbells Coralina Calibrachoa, in bloom
Colorblitz Pinkceptional Petunia, in bloom
EnduraScape Hot Pink Verbena, in bloom
Headliner Blueberry Swirl Petunia, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno Raspberry Star Calibrachoa, in bloom
Callie White Improved Calibrachoa, in bloom
Jolt Pink Dianthus, in bloom
MiniFamous Standard Pure Yellow Calibrachoa, in bloom
Conga Red Calibrachoa, in bloom
Conga Sun Kiss Calibrachoa, Conga Rose Kiss Calibrachoa
MiniFamous Neo Orange w/ Red Eye Calibrachoa, in bloom
Colorblitz Bluerific Petunia, in bloom
Endurascape Magenta Verbena, in bloom
Gisele Hot Pink Phlox, in bloom
Lascar Red Rose Verbena, in bloom
Callie Rose Calibrachoa, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno Apricot Star Calibrachoa, in bloom
Conga White Calibrachoa, in bloom
 Sun Spun Coral Petunia, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno Double PinkTastic Calibrachoa, in bloom
Cabaret Golden Yellow Calibrachoa, in bloom
Angelmist Spreading Berry Sparkler Summer Snapdragon, in bloom
 ColorRush Blue Petunia, in bloom
Lascar Pink Verbena, in bloom
MiniFamous Standard Double Deep Yellow Calibrachoa, in bloom
Little Lucky Lemon Cream Lantana, in bloom
Queeny Lime Orange Zinnia, in bloom
Superbells Holy Smokes! Calibrachoa, in bloom
Starlet Dark Pink Petunia, in bloom
 PortoGrande Raspberry Lemonade Purslane, in bloom
Titan Apricot Vinca, in bloom
 Main Stage Hot Pink Petunia, in bloom
Little Lucky Pot of Gold Lantana, in bloom
Callie Pink with Eye Calibrachoa, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno Blue Calibrachoa, in bloom
Colibri Purple Lace Calibrachoa, in bloom
Calipetite White Calibrachoa, in bloom
Million Bells Trailing Magenta Calibrachoa, in bloom
Mega Bloom Upright Vinca Mix, in bloom
Landmark Sunrise Rose Shrub Verbena, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno Blue Calibrachoa, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno Orange Calibrachoa, in bloom
Fantasia Shocking Pink Zonal Geranium, in bloom
Jelly Roll Petunia, in bloom
SweetSunshine Honeydew Petunia, in bloom
Kabloom Blue Calibrachoa, in bloom
Million Bells Butter Pop Calibrachoa, in bloom
Lindura Cosmos Neon Improved Calibrachoa, in bloom
Cabaret Lavender Calibrachoa, in bloom
Starlet Pinot Red Petunia, in bloom
Noa Dark Pink Carnival Calibrachoa, in bloom
Firehouse White Verbena, in bloom
Dalaya Red+White Dahlia, in bloom
Chameleon Lavender Sorbet, in bloom
Headliner Yellow Petunia, in bloom
Hula Soft Pink Calibrachoa, in bloom
Chameleon Blueberry Scone, in bloom
Cabrio Pink Calibrachoa, in bloom
Superbells Tangerine Punch Calibrachoa, in bloom
PortoGrande Yellow Purslane, in bloom
Calitastic Pumpkin Spice Calibrachoa, in bloom
 Janie Harmony Marigold, in bloom
Colorblitz Ocean Blue Petunia, in bloom
Conga Deep Yellow Calibrachoa, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno Pink Calibrachoa, in bloom
Cadet Upright Pink Verbena, in bloom
Lucky Sunrise Rose Lantana, in bloom
Cabaret White Calibrachoa, in bloom
Superbells Lemon Slice Petunia, in bloom
Bloomify Rose Lantana, in bloom
Big Bang Cosmic Eye Tickseed, in bloom
Lindura White Yellow Heart Calibrachoa, in bloom
Lucky White Lantana, in bloom
Cadet Upright Lavender Blue Verbena, in bloom
Main Stage White Petunia, in bloom
Headliner Night Sky Petunia, in bloom
Superbells Apricot Punch Calibrachoa, in bloom
Ka-Pow Purple Phlox, in bloom
Cabaret Deep Blue Calibrachoa, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno Pink Strike Calibrachoa, in bloom
Main Stage Pink Petunia, in bloom
Durango Flame Marigold, in bloom
Cadet Upright Pink Verbena, in bloom
Calipetite Red Calibrachoa, in bloom
Can-Can Orange Calibrachoa, in bloom
MiniFamous Neo Yellow Calibrachoa, in bloom
 Main Stage Pink Vein Petunia, in bloom
Landmark Rose Glow Lantana, in bloom
Calipetite Blue Calibrachoa, in bloom
Conga Coral Kiss Calibrachoa, in bloom
Starlet Carmine Star Petunia, in bloom
Lascar Red Verbena, in bloom
Denver Daisy Black-eyed Susan, in bloom
Angelmist Spreading White Summer Snapdragon, in bloom
 Proud Mari Yellow Marigold, Taishan Yellow Marigold
Fantasia Raspberry Twizzle Zonal Geranium, in bloom
MiniFamous Neo Double Amethyst Calibrachoa, in bloom
Chameleon Pink Passion, in bloom
Easy Breezy Pink Sweet Alyssum, in bloom
Can-Can Hot Pink Star Calibrachoa, in bloom
Chameleon Sunshine Berry, in bloom
Moonswirl Large-Flowered Coreopsis, in bloom
Fairy Blue Fan Flower, in bloom
Can-Can Bumble Bee Pink Calibrachoa, in bloom
Firehouse Grape Verbena, in bloom
Super Hero Spry French Marigold, Tidal Wave Red Velour Petunia
Sun Spun Lavender Star Petunia, in bloom
Cabrio Amethyst Calibrachoa, in bloom
Dreamland Scarlet F1 Zinnia, in bloom
Victoria Blue Mealycup Sage, in bloom
Firehouse Pink Verbena, in bloom
Superbells Evening Star Calibrachoa, in bloom
Durango Tangerine Marigold, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno Pink Strike Calibrachoa, in bloom
Easy Breezy White Sweet Alyssum, in bloom
Callie Yellow Improved Calibrachoa, in bloom
Can-Can Pink Flamingo Calibrachoa, in bloom
Cadet Upright Purple Verbena, in bloom
EnduraScape Purple Verbena, in bloom
Can-Can Apricot Calibrachoa, in bloom
Younique Cerise Phlox, in bloom
Hula Gold Improved Calibrachoa, in bloom
Headliner Raspberry Star Petunia, in bloom
MiniFamous Standard Orange Calibrachoa, in bloom
MiniFamous Neo White+Yellow Eye Calibrachoa, in bloom
 Rio Grande Scarlet Purslane, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno White Calibrachoa, in bloom
Hula Orange Calibrachoa, in bloom
Durango Orange Marigold, in bloom
MiniFamous Uno Orange Calibrachoa, in bloom

© North Shore Plant Club 2025. Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions.

Limited Availability

We try very hard to source exactly what you’d like, but sometimes growers run out of plants! While this variety is a great deal at the price shown, we know that it has limited availability. If you want the plant even if it might be more expensive, or in a different size or quantity -- after you place your order, just send us a quick note at help@northshoreplantclub.com. Then, we’ll try to get you some version of this from one of our growers. And if we can’t get it from anywhere, of course, we’ll send a refund!

Field-Grown vs. Greenhouse-Grown Plants

Plants which are well-adapted to our local climate are most often field-grown (outside). Field-grown plants are generally cheaper and have the advantage of already somewhat acclimated to our cold winters, but that means they’re not artificially far along in the spring and tend to bloom at the normal time in our area.

Spring annuals and tender perennials are typically grown in Greenhouses so they can be ready and luxurious exactly when customers want them. Some perennials are also “forced” into early bloom in greenhouses. In May, there can be a very big difference between field-grown and greenhouse-grown plants of the same type. The latter typically look good right away (so they’re a great choice where that’s important), but we typically pay a premium for it.

Benefits of Membership

Want a better way to get great plants and make your yard look awesome? Create your account below and get:

  • The best plants… from the same sources the pros use, but at near wholesale prices
  • More plants in more sizes than anywhere else… whether you’re looking for classics or rarities; annuals, perennials or shrubs; one plant or a whole yardful!
  • "No Contact" delivery or easy pick-up at a site near you without fighting the retail crowds. You choose!

Membership is free, but — since we rely on delivery and local pick-up — you have to live near one of our hubs (or be willing to drive to a site to pick them up). If you live farther away, and would like to help us bring the club to your neighbors, please email helpusgrow@northshoreplantclub.com.

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About Ordering From The Plant Club

To secure the best prices for club members and make sure we know the current plants available from each nursery, we take orders only a couple of times a month.

Shoot us an email at help@northshoreplantclub.com, and we'll be happy to talk about plants or let you know when it's time to buy them!