Coleus (Solenostemon)

Deciduous Perennial in the Lamiaceae Family

About Coleuses

It can be hard to find a bright pop of color for that tricky shady spot in your garden, but Coleus is always happy to steal the (albeit kind of dim) spotlight.

This low-maintenance, high-impact annual prefers moist, rich, loose soil and part-shade, and can even tolerate full shade (but may get leggy while she searches for a little more sun).

Coleus’s gem-toned, highly contrasted foliage can mound to 3’ high and 3’ wide, making her a dramatic addition to the part-shade garden.


Low maintenance, high contrast

Adds great color to your part-shade garden

Easily propagated from cuttings in water or potting soil


Can wilt in full sun - she can do it sometimes with extra love (more water)

Can get leggy in full-shade

Prefers moist soil and is not drought-tolerant


Plant Data

Tags Deciduous, Perennial

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